Find a babysitter for your kids during the holidays so you can shop, attend parties and wrap presents!

Educational games


Fun outdoor activities


Last minute babysitter service


Drawing, coloring, and painting


Online booking

Our Classes

Our Teachers

We will take care
of your kids

We specialize in meeting the unique physical, emotional and developmental needs of children. Be sure your kids are safe with our great team of hard-working professionals.

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ul. Mickiewicza 39 lok. U1,
15-001 Białystok

Telefon: 733 442 063

Telefon: 507 038 068

ul. Mickiewicza 39 lok. U1,
15 – 001 Białystok
Telefon: 733 442 063

Telefon: 507 038 068

Nowy adres ul. Adama Mickiewicza 39 lok U1 jedyny gabinet (gabinet przeniesiony z ul. Upalnej )